Friday, February 22, 2008

FAQS of my career choice.

Where would I go for the education? : Well there are a great number of schools out there with adequate programs in chemical engineering. I'm hoping for a scholarship in baseball to help me recieve my education. Wherever I end up going i'm sure the education I recieve will be fine.

How long would it take to get the education? : Well it would depend on if I got the scholarship and if I was red-shirted. It would probably take me about four hard working years.

Cost of education for career choice. : Well although i'm trying not to worry about the money right now, I realize my odds of recieving a scholarship are not great. It really depends on where I go to tell you how much it would cost.

What institution would you like to visit? : I would enjoy visiting the Oklahoma University campus. I believe this is where I would end up with or without the scholarship. Hopefully wherever I visit it will influence my decision on my career choice.

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